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Today is Mother’s Day

Carlo Defazio

Updated: Nov 7, 2021

Today is Mother’s Day, and you know what? For some people it is not a “Happy” day.

There are many, like me who’s mothers are not here anymore; facing Mother’s Day just brings me the feeling of how much I miss my mom.

Mother’s Day is also complicated for a number of reasons, and add to that the COVID pandemic which has made the job of mom that much harder. I do not know how moms, single moms or mothers working from home do it, looking after the kids with everything else on their plates.

Add to that, the unprecedented number of women who have lost their jobs. In Canada, 1.5 million women lost their jobs in the first two months of the pandemic and in April, the share of the working-age population that is looking for work or working fell to 55 percent, a level not seen since early 1986. In any family, losing an income hurts, but for a single mom, how do they do it? It really hurts.

So, this year, from Discount Motor City, the best of the used car dealerships in Surrey, BC, we are opting out of the “Happy Mother’s Day.” It is not out of disrespect; quite the opposite. It is out of our unbridled gratitude and respect for what mothers do every day. Even on this day.

Mother’s get out of bed each morning, no matter how tired they are; if they are feeling sick, down and out, or having a bad start to the day. Mothers are always there for us, in person or in our thoughts. I am sure there are many that will celebrate Happy Mother’s Day and good for them. Everyone has their own reasons for doing what they do and each situation is unique.

From Discount Motor City, used car sales Surrey, we respect your choice; But recognizing that it may not be a “happy day” for many, we are opting out of the “Happy Mother’s Day” and offering all mothers a “Thank you Day” from the bottom of our hearts.

Mom, you did everything in your power to make our lives better, as every mom from every corner of the world does each day. “Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.”

Discount Motor City

Discount Motor City, is a very passionate used car dealership in Surrey, BC. We are passionate about the quality of our service and the used cars we offer for sale. We do not just talk to talk, we walk to walk, providing the level of service we would want if looking for used cars in Surrey. Nothing flashy, no sales’ gimmicks; see us for your used car needs and you will get open and transparent information about any car we have, you will see all the documentation, and the total cost will always be clearly presented to you.

We want you, as best as we can, to understand what you may be buying, the condition of the car and what it will cost you; and you will never find any fine print about documentation fees. We do not charge any.

See us today for your used car needs. We know with our commitment to service quality, we will make you extremely happy. Feel free to drop in to see us, or call Carlo direct at (604) 765 6999. Let us help you find the perfect used car for you.

Best wishes from all of us at Discount Motor City, used car dealership Surrey, and “Thank You mom for all you did for us.”

“All that I am, or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.”

– Abraham Lincoln

Discount Motor City, Used Car Dealership, Surrey, BC

12882 King George Blvd: Call Carlo Direct (604) 765 6999


© 2019 by Discount Motor City, Used Car Dealership, Surrey, BC. 

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