The Car is Staging a Comeback, Spurring an Oil Recovery

Who would have thought, oil on a comeback. Not too long ago, we were surprised by the price of oil at minus $16 per barrel. That did not last long and today, oil is about $25 per barrel and rising. Why?
In many parts of the world, people are choosing to travel by car due to the fear of catching the Coronavirus on packed public transit. And the expectation for this summer is, people will choose a road trip vacation rather than hopping on a plane to go to some exotic destination.
It may take longer for people to travel, but they are taking the transportation they see as safer. Driving has emerged as the physically-distant transportation mode of choice, and this summer, the expectation is that there will be more RV's on the road than ever before.
It is too early to tell if this move to a more physical-distancing transportation shift will last, but we are seeing these changes through our used car dealership, Surrey, Discount Motor City.
Discount Motor City, Best of the Used Car Dealerships, Surrey
At Discount Motor City, where you will always find the best quality used cars for sale in Surrey, we have seen a significant increased interest in our quality used cars. All our cars are expertly inspected by independent mechanics, and we always have all the paperwork and Carfax available for you. We are transparent, and everything we do is geared to help you find a used car you like, and at a price you can afford. All this is done while offering a "no push, no pressure and friendliest environment." Our goal is to make sure everyone goes away happy, with a car or not.
While we go through this COVID-19 recovery phase, please be safe, and see us at Discount Motor City , the best of the used car dealerships for your quality used car. We will make sure you drive away happy.
Best wishes from all of us at Discount Motor City, used cars for sale, Surrey.
