My wife is one of the owners of Discount Motor City, where you can find the best in used cars for sale in Surrey. And this is our story.

It has now been 50 days since I have been able to hug my wife or give her a kiss. Eight thousand kilometres and the Coronavirus is making thousands of us survive things that we had never, in our lives, dreamed of.
My wife is stranded in Lima, Peru and I am in Vancouver. How we ended up that way during this crisis is not important; what is important is how we handle it.
This was not something that we planned for and it is not anyone’s fault. Frustration is the first emotion I had to reconcile as we realised this separation was not going to be a short shot.
In rationalising how I would react, I thought of my dad; 6 years away at war, not only being separated from the love of his live, but every day also facing death. What I am going through is nothing compared to what he faced, and he not only survived, but coming home, thrived.

Anger and frustration are not part of the equation and will not help me or my wife. I now think before I act and speak. Once something is out of my mouth, I can never take it back. Do I want my wife to feel supported or what is the alternative?
So far, my wife is surviving and staying safe, and so am I. Being safe at this time, in my opinion is the most important. And focusing on supporting her, like she does me really helps. We have had a few frustrating moments but, no anger and no yelling. What is the point?
We are all in this together, and for me, that is me and my wife – and for you it may include kids and others.
The way we handle this separation, which is now likely to carry on for a further 60 to 90 days, will define our relationship for the rest of our lives. And to me, that is the important part – not being frustrated or angry sweating the little things, but being ready to build our future together for the time we have left.
Best wishes to all from all of us at Discount Motor City, used car sales Surrey, BC. And we wish all of you a little peace in these most difficult times.
