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Rustic Sourdough Bread - The Results

Carlo Defazio

Updated: Nov 7, 2021

The Start is Important.... But......

There are so many recipes, experts and options for making bread on the internet; where to start? At Discount Motor City, one of the premier used car dealerships, Surrey, we are always looking for ways to help. And with the pandemic, passing on some information about bread-making is one of our humble ways to help. Today, I am not going to talk about cars; My objective is to convince you that "you can do this" and, "it is not difficult."

Let's Start Working Towards the Results

The First Proof

I have skipped the recipe and how to throw the mix together. Just so you know, this bread is made with my sourdough starter - I did not cheat and add any commercial yeast to the mix.

The mix as been put together and kneaded for about 4 minutes. Here is my first photo of the bread in the bowl ready for the first proof. At this first step, the bowl is covered with plastic wrap and a tea towel, and kept in a warm place.

A Note About the Proof

With sourdough starter, the bread does not rise as quickly as if commercial yeast is used. Patience is a virtue and wait until the dough has doubled in size before preparing for the second proof.

The Second Proof

Here is the sourdough mix that has been prepared for the second proof. During the first proof it rose to double in size, after which I spent a couple of minutes doing a light knead. Kneading does not require a lot of hard work; but working the sourdough, you will notice a change in the texture, with it becoming quite smooth - at which time it is ready for the second proof.

The second proof takes place in a bowl that is roughly the same size as my bread baker. For my rustic bread, I have a wonderful Emile Henry clay baker that I bought at the Hudson's Bay. Even during the pandemic, they offer great home delivery service.

My second proofing bowl allows me to let the sourdough rise and to preheat the Emile Henry clay baker, which is an important step.

The sourdough is ready for the second proofing and may look a "little rough around the edges." Not to worry as you are looking at the bottom of the loaf. With the proof, it will smooth out and, when the dough is put into the clay baker, it will be at the bottom anyway. After covering with plastic wrap again and letting it rise to double in size, it will be ready for the final step - the baking.

Getting Ready to Bake

When you are getting close to double in size with the second proof, apply flour to the base, pre-heat your oven and the clay baker @ 425 degrees (F). If you do not have a clay baker, a pizza stone or simply a baking sheet will work with a minor modification.

Using other than a clay baker with a lid, place a pan of water in the oven, at the bottom, which will create a steamy environment perfect for baking your rustic bread.

With your clay baker, pizza stone or baking sheet hot, it is the time to transfer the sourdough. Please be careful as things will be extremely hot.

Here is the sourdough ready to be turned onto the hot baker.

Here is my hot clay baker ready for the sourdough

The sourdough on the hot baker ready for popping in the oven.

The sourdough bread has baked for 30 minutes. The final step is to stick it back in the over for 10 - 15 minutes to give it a great crust and colour.

The Result

Not much needs to be said; "A picture is worth a thousand words." With a little work, all told, probably 30 minutes not including the waiting, you can have something like this in your kitchen too. As I suggested at the beginning, "you can do this and, it is not difficult."

Discount Motor City, the Premier of Used Car Dealerships, Surrey

At Discount Motor City, we take pride in our family-owned heritage and where we have built a business that helps a lot of people. During this pandemic, we are doing our best to continue to serve our customers in a safe and pleasant environment, as well as help where we can to make the "stay at home" that much better for us all.

Please see us if you need a quality used car at a great price and where we are absolutely meticulous with disinfecting after each use.

Don't hesitate to give us a call today if we can help. And if you do make some bread, why not send us a photo so we can begin a "homemade bread wall" - and we will not publish any personal information about you. Please send your photos to

Best wishes from us all at Discount Motor City, where you can find the best used cars for sale in Surrey.


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